It’s Time To Try Tele-assessments.

Tele-assessments are becoming more and more popular as a way to connect with your psychologist due to the many benefits that they offer over in person appointments including:

Comfort and Convenience 

Tele-assessments can be completed from the comfort of your home, allowing you to avoid driving to the clinic and sitting in the waiting room which can be especially difficult with young children. This can make assessments easier to fit into your and your children's busy schedule and have minimal impact on your daily routine (Hasselfeld, n.d.). 

Improves Continuity of Care 

It can be frustrating when your psychologist transfers locations and you have to start fresh with a new psychologist. Tele-assessments allow you to continue working with the same psychologist no matter which location they are working from (Lyshova, 2021). 


If you live in a rural or remote location, it is not always possible to access psychology services in person. Additionally, as a parent it can be challenging getting children to in-person appointments. Tele-assessments allow for people who otherwise could not access psychological services in person to attend assessments online (Hasselfeld, n.d.). 


There have been many studies proving that tele-health and tele-assessments are beneficial to patients. A study by the University of Queensland demonstrated that telehealth can be more effective than usual care and has an overall positive effect on patients (Snoswell et al., 2021). A study completed by Swinburne University concluded that psychology services delivered via telehealth resulted in satisfied patients, as well as overall improvements to their health (Venville et al., 2021).

How Can We Help?

Heart and Mind Psychology offers tele-assessments for 6 -16:11 year old children. These focus on the WISC-5 and WIAT-III assessments, which explore the cognitive and educational abilities of a child. These assessments are run through an online video software called Coviu that is specifically designed to be used in a healthcare setting. It is very easy to join as there is no need to create an account or download additional software. You will be sent a link by your psychologist, at your appointment time follow the link and you will join the tele-assessment. 

Researched and Written by Chantelle Takos



Hasselfeld, B. Benefits of Telemedicine. Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

Lyshova, M. (2021). The Efficacy and Benefits of Telepsychology. Coviu. Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

Snoswell, C., Chelberg, G., De Guzman, K., Haydon, H., Thomas, E., Caffery, L., & Smith, A. (2021). The clinical effectiveness of telehealth: A systematic review of meta-analyses from 2010 to 2019. Journal Of Telemedicine And Telecare, 1357633X2110229.

Venville, A., O'Connor, S., Roeschlein, H., Ennals, P., McLoughlan, G., & Thomas, N. (2021). Mental Health Service User and Worker Experiences of Psychosocial Support Via Telehealth Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study. JMIR Mental Health, 8(8), e29671.


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